Our visualisation tools show the dynamic
behaviour of the clock gene network as 2-D or 3-D plots, or in an animated
network diagram (example screen shots). Versions are available for the
(Locke et al, 2005) and 3-loop (Locke et al., 2006) Arabidopsis clock models.
The tools consist of two
Matlab m files (Matlab 7 or later
required). Download below or from
Matlab Central.
For presentation or teaching, you can
record the output as .AVI movies: some sample .AVI
movies are available here
for download. Clock components LHY/TOC1, and X/Y time series are captured showing the
transition from LD to LL (9 Mb). These files were created for Windows, but we
hope to have Mac and Linux versions available shortly.

Example screenshot: animated
network diagram of the 2-loop clock model oscillating in
DD. The user has just applied a light pulse, so LHY has been activated
and will soon inhibit TOC1 transcription. Graphs below show mRNA levels.
Download files for the
2-loop Arabidopsis model;
3-loop Arabidopsis model. Each .ZIP
archive includes a Readme.txt file describing the installation, and PDF user
instructions. Note that you will need Matlab 7 or above
to run the programmes!
Please email
if you experience any problems downloading.
Software on this site is provided free of charge for
academic research without guarantees or support either explicit or implied.