That should bring up this form.

Here you are asked to define the perturbation
that will be used to produce the phase changes. This can be a perturbation
to any of the model parameters, states, or the light-dark cycle. We'll
keep it simple and just apply a light pulse. Click the "Environment" tab.
"Value" is the background value light will have during the time period
over which the pulse will be applied. "Perturbation" is the value light
will have during the pulse. Enter the value "1".
Leave the duration at 1 hour.
The start time increment determines the number of pulses that will be
applied and so the resolution of the PRC. Change this to 4 hours so make
the simulation run quicker. This means that the pulses will be applied
over 1 free running cycle period, every 4 circadian hours.
Click Next to bring up the form below.

Here you are asked to select a model output
that is to be used as a measure of phase from the drop down list. We
should not use LHY mRNA as this is a state that is affected directly by
light. Change this to "4 cTm Level of TOC1 mRNA".
The "Enter number of
hours to track phase" value determines for how long after the pulse the
simulation is allowed to move to its new phase before the PRC is
Check the "Retain time series data" box, as this will result in a more
complete analysis of the data.