!! This is the archived website of Professor Andrew J. Millar's research group at the University of Edinburgh (to 2017) !!

Current work is linked from here: http://www.amillar.org

Video Imaging Systems

Video Imaging

Click here for Technical information about our imaging systems

Low-light video imaging systems are usually essential in order to detect firefly luciferase activity in a transgenic organism of any species other than the firefly. The specialised market in ultra-sensitive cameras includes a number of equipment suppliers, who cater for astronomers and biologists, amongst others. The amount of luciferase luminescence emitted from a single cell, or even a whole seedling, is often no more than the light of a distant star reaching the Earth. Only the brightest of our samples produce enough luminescence to be visible to the dark-adapted human eye.

We are very grateful to the University of Edinburgh for funding our current imaging systems. We acknowledge funding for past systems from the Gatsby Charitable Trust, Royal Society and BBSRC (including a grant from the BioImaging Initiative).

See also Luciferase for other labs using low-light cameras to detect luciferase, and Movies for alternative cameras for imaging plant growth

bulletBBSRC Bioimaging Initiative website - http://www.bbsrc.ac.uk/initiatives/bi.html
bulletVideo Imaging of Regulated Firefly Luciferase Activity in Transgenic Plants.(a brief article)

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