A fluence response experiment involves letting an organism free run
under constant conditions of varying light intensity and comparing the free
running cycle period under the different intensities. Therefore we need to run
multiple time series simulations, produce some sort of summary table showing
the effect of intensity on period, and also plot corresponding outputs on the
same axes.
The first thing we need to do is create an environment file of LL.
Click the "Environment" tab on the main window and open the default
environment file. Set the "On" time to zero and "Off" time to "24". When these values
are entered the black and white bar should turn all
white (assuming the cycle period is set to 24 hours. Set it if it is not). Save this
file as "LL" and then close the dialogue box.
One way of running this experiment is to click the Experiments->Time
Series->Compare Simulations->Vary Parameters Freely
menu item. This will
produce a dialogue box asking you to select parameters and environment files
and enter a name for your simulation. Make sure the environment file is set to
"LL", enter a name and click
"Next". Again we'll ignore the form which appears for now. Just click "Next"

In this module we are saying that we want to
run the same simulation with the same environment and parameters files a
number of times. We are given the opportunity though to vary any of the
values in these files between runs, in order to see what effect this will
have on the output. This form allows us just to choose which parameters we
want to vary.We are interested in the brightness of the light. Select
the "Environment" tab to view the parameters defined in the environment
file. Check the box next to "White On value (Ion)" and click "Next".
This form will appear.

Here you are asked to define the values that
each of the selected parameters will take on each run. We selected only
one so we have only one appearing in the data grid. The value in column
"Default" is the value in the selected environment file. This value will
be used in every run unless it is overridden in this form. You can do this
by entering values in the Value columns.
First enter zero for Value 1 and "0.5" for Value 2. We would like more
repeats than this so click "Add a new set of values" to add another column
to the grid. Do this twice more so we have five Value columns. We will
therefore repeat this simulation five times.
Enter "1" for Value 3. In fact you could leave this box empty as it is
the same as the default value. Enter "2" for Value 4 and "3" for Value 5.
Click Next to bring up a form we will ignore for now. Click Next again
to bring up this form.

Here we are asked to select the model outputs
we are interested in analysing. Check "4 Level of TOC1 mRNA".
Ensure the
"Retain the time series data" box is checked and click Next.
- You will now see the integration dialogue box again. Check the box next to
the drop down list to integrate the output. We won't bother checking the
"White light cycle" box this time as the cycle is constant. TOC1 will be
integrated in time blocks of one free running cycle period.
- Thats all the information required. Just click "Finish" to launch the
simulation and wait for it to complete.