!! This is the archived website of Professor Andrew J. Millar's research group at the University of Edinburgh (to 2017) !!

Current work is linked from here: http://www.amillar.org


We are grateful to the following sponsors (past and present):

Equipment: Gatsby Charitable Foundation (Gatsby), Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council (BBSRC), Royal Society

Projects: EU FP7; EU FP6, EPSRC, BBSRC, DTI, Human Frontier Science Programme (HFSP), Royal Society, ANR-BBSRC joint initiative.

Travel: BBSRC, Royal Society, British Council

Personnel, including independent fellowships held in the lab: Gatsby, Japanese Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS), US Dept. of Energy via Life Sciences Research Foundation (DoE, LSRF), European Union (EU), HFSP.

Current project funding:

BBSRC project on the roles of algal protein kinases in circadian timing (AJM is PI).

EU FP7 project TiMet, on the role of circadian rhythms in controlling Arabidopsis metabolism (AJM is coordinator).

EPSRC/BBSRC SABR: Regulation Of Biological Signalling by Temperature (ROBuST), led by Dr. Karen Halliday.

Past funding highlights:

Past research network membership: Spatio-Temporal Modelling Network (STEMN, from BBSRC MATSYB), SynBioStandards (BBSRC Synthetic Biology).

Andrew Millar was awarded a BBSRC Research Development Fellowship for 2002-2005, to re-train in mathematical modelling and analysis, with an extension 2005-2007 to expand his interdisciplinary research.

Andrew Millar was a manager of the EPSRC Multidisciplinary Critical Mass Research Activity, the Interdisciplinary Programme for Cellular Regulation, with Nigel Burroughs (Warwick, Maths) in 2003-2004. PI: Prof. David Rand.

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