
Current and recent collaborators:

Plant Systems Modelling (PlaSMo): Dr. Helen Ougham, Aberystwyth (PI), Dr. Robert Muetzelfeldt (Simulistics Ltd.)

Multiple collaborators in CSBE, including Prof. Igor Goryanin, Dr. Kevin Painter.

Arabidopsis genetics and photobiology: Dr. Anthony Hall (University of Liverpool), Prof. E. Schäfer (Botany, Freiburg, Germany), Dr. F. Nagy (Plant Molecular Biology, Szeged, Hungary), Prof. R. Amasino (Biochemistry, Madison, USA).

Systems Biology: Prof. David Broomhead (University of Manchester), Dr. Matthew Turner (Physics), Prof. D.A. Rand (Mathematics), Dr. Barbel Finkenstadt, Prof. Jim Smith and other members of IPCR/Warwick Systems Biology Centre.

Reporter genes and detection technologies: Prof. M.R.H. White (Biology, Liverpool).

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