!! This is the archived website of Professor Andrew J. Millar's research group at the University of Edinburgh (to 2017) !!

Current work is linked from here: http://www.amillar.org


Data for download

Most of our timeseries data are being disseminated from the ROBuST/TiMet/SynthSys data repository, BioDare, www.biodare.ed.ac.uk. Login public, password public gives access to the data.

License: The seven data sets directly hyperlinked from this web page are made available under the
Public Domain Dedication and License version v1.0 whose full text can be found at

Data stored on the sites of other providers are subject to the licences of those providers.

This material is Open Data

The Models page may link to further data curated from the literature and used to constrain our models.

bulletQuantitative timeseries of qRT-PCR data from Edwards et al. Mol Syst Biol 2010 for key clock genes (CCA1, GI, TOC1) and some output genes (SEX4, DPE2, FKF1, CO) relative to ACT2, from a 50h timecourse at 2h sampling interval in one LD cycle then DD, or a 72h timecourse consisting of the same LD cycle then LL, at 22C. ZIP archive of XL files corresponding to figure panels.
bulletQuantitative timeseries of various data on Arabidopsis clock RNAs and proteins (CCA1, LHY, GI, TOC1, ZTL and the PRR9, PRR7, PRR5), curated from the literature from 2000-2010, and contributed by Alexandra Pokhilko in 2010. A subset of these data were used to constrain her clock model, published in Pokhilko et al. Mol Syst Biol 2010. ZIP archive of files in SBSI data format.
bulletQuantitative timeseries data on the key genes and proteins of the Arabidopsis photoperiod response pathway (CO, FT, FKF1), curated from the literature from 2001-2009, and contributed by Treenut Saithong in 2009. ZIP archive of files in SBSI data format.
bulletQuantitative timeseries data on Arabidopsis clock RNAs and LUC reporter gene data (CCA1, LHY, GI, TOC1, PRR9, PRR7), curated from the literature from 2001-2009, and contributed by Treenut Saithong in 2009. A subset of these data were used to develop a model fitting procedure, and to constrain her clock model, submitted to PLoSone in 2010. ZIP archive of files in SBSI data format.
bulletQuantitative timeseries of qRT-PCR data from Edwards et al. Plant Cell 2006 for key clock genes (CCA1, LHY, GI, TOC1, LUX) relative to ACT2, from a 48h timecourse at 2h sampling interval, starting from 24h under constant light at 27C. XL file.


bulletMicroarray data from Arabidopsis in constant light, published in Edwards et al. Plant Cell 2006, see PDF for details. .CEL microarray data files are available from the Affy service at NASC, now alas discontinued to the detriment of the community, so check here Link index to NASCarrays data on iPlant.
bulletExcel spreadsheet listing Affymetrix ATH1 codes, AGI codes, analysis results for each gene from COSOPT and for each rhythmic cluster from BFC, and data normalised by GC-RMA. Blank analysis cells indicate that the probe set was not scored as rhythmic by that method. 3.5Mb ZIP file.


bulletLow-time-resolution quantitative timeseries of qRT-PCR data from Hall et al. Plant Cell 2003 for clock genes (CCA1, LHY, GI, TOC1) from a 24h timecourse from 12L12D to LL at 22C. XL file.


bulletOlder data that we really need to provide here:

Phenotypic data on leaf movement rhythms in Recombinant Inbred Lines
bulletTo follow: Swarup et al. Plant Journal, 1999
bulletTo follow: Edwards et al. Genetics, 2005


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